Story of Tevin Bonner

Tevin Bonner
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

January 23, 2021, I was put under arrest for family disturbance. I tried to forcefully enforce entrepreneurship on to my family in a way I thought would open their third eye.

Unfortunately my firm behavior failed me miserably. Jones count sheriff department arrested me at my mothers resident under my mother consent. I was in a holding cell for 13 days. On the 10th day I was singing “Good Feelings” and the sheriff on duty told me to stop singing or she would pepper spray me for singing. I immediately told my mom my fear of being pepper sprayed.

My mother did what any other mother would do. She immediately got me out of Jones County Detention Center. I was baffled that I would get pepper sprayed for singing a therapeutic song in jail. To add emphasis, the sheriff was a black African American female. In a time like this you would think a fellow African American would be the least guess to treat with hate. On the 13th day my mother did not quit for my justice and she got me checked into the quickest available behavior health center for my mental health.

While being in the behavior health center for “mental illness” I was diagnosed with “cannabis of use disorder”. I was drug tested and the only thing in my system was cannabis flowers. My Physiatrist and Therapist in Mississippi stated on my diagnosis chart, “I smoke too much cannabis” which cost my family despair which lead me to have mood swings that is consider “Bipolar” based of the statements my family gave them. I have not being able to speak my justice or truth, so I am using my platform for my own justice. I testified my honest truth to my doctors I do use cannabis to help me cope with my childhood traumas of child abuse.

After consulting and being accessed by my physiatrist about my how my sexual childhood abuse turned me into a sex addict for seven years. I would have sex as drug from 2014–2020 every time I was reminded of my sexual predators I would turn to sex to cope with my PTSD. I was molested, raped, molested, and date raped by people I thought loved me, but they were taking all my energy.

November 5,2020, I had an “aha moment” when I knew Jesus was real. For 24 years of my life I hated Jesus christ because I could not understand as a child plus growing up into adulthood I could not understand why he allowed demons and satan spirits to y energy and soul at the age of 3/4 years old.

December 21, 2020 I gave my life to Jesus christ and I started to believe in Jesus christ when I witness the Jerusalem star with my own eyes. I could not believe that the Jerusalem star would come a month after I started to make a relationship with Jesus christ. and the amazement is surreal. I caught the holy ghost for 33 days. The holy ghost was so real that my family felt as if I was high on drugs, to the point they had to call the police on me to calm my spirit instead of my Pastor of my church.

January 23 I was placed in a holding cell. While in the holding cell I picked up the bible and read it for the first time in my life in jail. after taking a forensic drug test to clear the doubt my results came back positive for cannabis only.

I want to thank Jesus Christ for giving me the professional treatment I needed for my mental trauma of 24 years that no one known anything about. I was lost but now I am found through Jesus christ. My family cost me to miss 90 days of not being able to work. I went 16 weeks of no income while in a behavior center and I have no family to reach out for donation.

I want to apologize to anyone I have hurt physically and mentally in my past. This blog post is my repent to you is I am truly sorry for allowing satan to use me in ways I was blind to. I am sorry please forgive me for my sins. I was called by everything but a child of God. I have given my life to my savior Jesus christ. Amen

— Sincerely

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